Finished Garden Boxes

After much work on mixing the dirt and moving the dirt to the garden boxes, they are now finished! My wife and Lizzy finished planting them while I worked on getting our secondary water accessible. We have a good sprinkler system in our yard, however some of the lines are broken because of the water main and sewer line work we had done before we bought the house. So we’ve been having to use culinary water to water our lawn and garden, and  that just got way too expensive. So we shelled our a little, and some time to put in a spigot on our secondary water line. I’ll need to buy a box to berry it with. I’ll do that when we have another $16 to spare. Otherwise it’s completely functional and we’re getting a lot of good use out of it now!


So today we worked a lot in our garden. I was putting together our garden boxes, and my wife was gathering in some plants in our garden that are ready to eat. We have two types of lettuces, some spinach, and radishes!  The radishes are very sweet, but super spicy. I almost couldn’t eat them they were so spicy

We had to wash and dry the lettuce leafs. That took a long time. Very manual process. I think our next purchase is going to be a lettuce tosser to make that job a little easier by spinning off the water. That will hopefully speed up the process.

Though our garden has a lot of weeds and rocks in it, it’s coming a long nicely. Once I finish our second garden box, I’m going to post pictures of them, and talk about why Square foot gardening is easier to maintain and do over row gardening. I’m looking forward to getting our 4 foot by 4 foot boxes finished.